
Norwid – szkice

Zapraszamy do oglądania wystawy rysunków i akwafort Cypriana Norwida. W 1852 Londyn, w tułaczej wędrówce poety, stanowił przystanek przed opuszczeniem Europy i podróżą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Zamiarem organizatorów jest zainteresowanie twórczością ostatniego wielkiego z pokolenia romantyków, który uważał, że najważniejszym zadaniem sztuki jest dążenie do prawdy i budzenie sumień. O Norwidzie Jan Paweł II w […]

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Images of Identity

The project aims to combine activities in the field of visual arts with interdisciplinary considerations in the spectrum of various fields of humanities and social sciences. The theoretical approach of the scientists and artists meeting has become the question of “identity”. The most important issues which are still “in the process”, concerning all areas of […]

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11th Virtual Biennale Prague 2020 at the Blue Point Art Gallery (PUNO & Culture Lab Foundation) Virtual Biennale Prague  is the international Art Project. It is divided into two categories: Professional and Student Category and is representing visual artists from Austria, Belorus, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Rumania, […]

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Lockdowns by Joanna Ciechanowska

Joanna Ciechanowska’s works presented at the Lockdowns exhibition offer a specific understanding of isolation. They are anchored in multi-dimensional references to social and historical time, but above all – to personal time. Despite revealing fears related to participating in an unknown situation, they steer clear of catastrophism. They become the artist’s inner painting and poetic […]

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The Blue Point Art Gallery (a virtual 3D gallery), was built in a digital environment as part of a collaboration between the Contemporary Literary and Artistic Culture Unit of the Institute of European Culture at the Polish University Abroad (PUNO) and the Culture Lab Foundation. Although the gallery was created in response to the changes resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic (March-July 2020), its founders have continued this work, with the intention of transferring part of their activities to the digital world. The current pandemic made us aware of the fragility of social structures and the deep need not only to seek unconventional solutions, but also to implement them quickly. 

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